Showing all 23 results
1st Generation Crate
$12,500 -
Black Market Briefcase
$600,000 -
Brass Strongbox
$25,000 -
Cardboard Box
$1,500,000 -
Chest of the Pest
$12,500 -
Chocolate Valentine’s Day Crate
$500,000 -
Direwick 2024 Chest
$50,000 -
Direwick Chest
$75,000 -
Frostbite Chest
$250,000 -
Ghostly Direwick Chest
$200,000 -
Halloween Chest 2023
$50,000 -
Mining Crate
$12,500 -
Mystery Crate
$150,000 -
Polar Present
$2,750,000 -
Santa Roni’s Present
$600,000 -
Smouldering Crate
$125,000 -
Space Crate
$12,500 -
Valentine’s Crate
$200,000 -
Valentine’s Crate 2023
$100,000 -
Valentines rate
$25,000 -
Void Chest
$2,750,000 -
Winter 2023 Present
$75,000 -
Winter 2024 Crate