Showing all 575 results
1000 Degree Knife
$6,250 -
200M Slycer
$25,000 -
2022 New Year
$1,600 -
2nd Birthday Blade
$1,600 -
300K Slycer
$25,000 -
700M Slycer
$12,500 -
800M Slycer
$6,350 -
900M Slycer
$6,250 -
Abominable Boardsword
$75,000 -
Acidic Scimitar
$1,600 -
$25,000 -
Aether Core
$400 -
Alien Metal
$12,500 -
All-Seeing Grave Spade
$37,500 -
Amber Riptar
$12,500 -
Amber Sparkle Time
$20 -
Amethyst Carver
$20 -
Amethyst Cave Slycer
$1,600 -
Amethyst Khopesh
$25,000 -
Amethyst Pickaxe
$100,000 -
$450 -
Annie Dolly Dagger
$20 -
$800,000 -
Arcane Candle
$75,000 -
Armen’s Heart
$100,000 -
Ashwell Cleaver
$12,500 -
Astral Sycthe
$12,500 -
Astral Tear
$6,250 -
Astral Trident
$12,500 -
$1,600 -
Athame of Blood
$1,600 -
Athame of the Lich
$1,600 -
Aurora Splinter
$6,250 -
Awesome Blossom
$6,250 -
Axe of the Fairy
$225,000 -
Axe of the Reaper
$2,000,000 -
Bane of Desire
$25,000 -
Bane of Misery
$25,000 -
Banshee Bite
$100 -
Barbaric Junk Reclaimer
$37,500 -
Baseball Bat
$100 -
Battery-Powered Gearsaw
$12,500 -
Bejeweled Slycer
$6,250 -
Berry Aura
$200 -
Big Red Lollipop
$37,500 -
Blackmetal Blade
$400 -
Blackout Meson
$50 -
Blade of the Hallowed
$125,000 -
Blade of the Scourge
$12,500 -
Blade of the Searing
$12,500 -
Blade of the Supernatural
$12,500 -
Blade of the Wicked
$12,500 -
Blood Moon
$2,440 -
Blood Ruby
$800,000 -
Blood Rush
$100 -
Bloodplated Riptar
$400 -
Blue Balloon Sword
$12,500 -
Blue Gummy Slycer
$400 -
Bluesteel Riptar
$400 -
Blushing Heart
$400 -
Box of Candy
$1,600 -
Brass Junk Reclaimer
$12,500 -
Brass Knuckle Carbonator
$1,600 -
Breath of Winter
$37,500 -
Brimstone Bat
$12,500 -
Brisk Nimbus
$100 -
Brisk Rainbow
$100 -
$125,000 -
Brutostein’s Bonesaw
$12,500 -
Burlap Chainsaw
$12,500 -
Burst O’ Luck
$400 -
Cable Rogue
$450 -
$100,000 -
Candy Cane 2020
$12,500 -
Candy Cane 2021
$25,000 -
$6,250 -
Charcoal Slycer
$0 -
Charms O’ Plenty
$25,000 -
Charms O’Plenty 2021
$1,600 -
Charred Rolling Pin
$175,000 -
Cheesy Chopper
$25,000 -
Cherished Heartblade
$150,000 -
Chocolate Heartsplitter
$37,500 -
Chocolate Heartstopper
$37,500 -
Chocolate Radiant
$37,500 -
Chocolate Sword
$37,500 -
Christmas Tree Cutter
$6,250 -
Chucky Knife
$12,500 -
Claiumh Glas
$125,000 -
Clover Carver 2020
$25,000 -
Clover Carver 2021
$6,250 -
Clover Field
$400 -
Clover Root
$100 -
$12,500 -
Clucky’s Corruptor
$325,000 -
Clucky’s Lucky Slasher
$50,000 -
Coal Cave Slycer
$1,600 -
Coco Hammer
$37,500 -
Code Red
$1,600 -
Cold Cupid Heartstopper
$125,000 -
Cold Heart
$175,000 -
Cold Heartsplitter Axe
$50,000 -
Cold Wings of Cupid
$500,000 -
Cold-Hearted Cupid’s Bow
$350,000 -
Collector’s 500M Slycer
$375,000 -
Collector’s 700M Slycer
$225,000 -
Collector’s 800M Slycer
$175,000 -
Collector’s 900M Slycer
$125,000 -
Cookie Cutter
$1,600 -
Corrupted Dreadblade
$50,000 -
Corrupted Rune
$100 -
Cosmic Heart
$0 -
Cosmic Jab
$2,440 -
Cowprint Slasher
$250 -
Crimson Crusader
$2,000,000 -
Crimson Gambit
$0 -
Cryo Cleaver
$12,500 -
Cupid’s Arrow
$50,000 -
Cupid’s Bow
$250,000 -
Cupid’s Heartstopper
$250,000 -
Cupid’s Nightmare
$6,250 -
Cupid’s Spear
$1,125,000 -
Cupid’s Wing
$25,000 -
Cursed Encore
$0 -
Cursed Mirage
$0 -
Cursed Purpleheart
$1,600 -
Cursed Scallywag
$12,500 -
Cyan Slycer
$20 -
Cyber Slasher
$6,250 -
D-1 Thorn
$6,250 -
D-A Thorn
$6,250 -
$600,000 -
Dagger of Cold
$100 -
Dark Fiend
$1,600 -
Dark Rune
$100,000 -
Dark Wings of Cupid
$25,000 -
Darkfelt Slycer
$400 -
Data Rain
$25,000 -
David’s Dagger
$200 -
Dead Fred Redemption
$20 -
Deadly Dark Scythe
$800,000 -
Deadly Dazzler
$100 -
Death Adder
$200,000 -
Death’s Dance
$6,250 -
Delta Dawn
$340 -
Devious Dagger
$12,500 -
$150,000 -
Diamond Slycer
$300 -
Dr. Devious’ Roses
$37,500 -
Dracthar’s Arrowhead
$6,250 -
$500 -
Dragon Web
$3,125 -
Dragonstone Sparkle Time
$20 -
Dreadstained Riptar
$400 -
Duilleoga Tite
$100,000 -
Duskbound Athame
$100 -
Dust Light
$50 -
Dwarven Ham’vil
$100,000 -
$475,000 -
Dynamite Dredger
$21,000,000 -
Earthen Domascus
$20 -
Eclipse Slycer
$25,000 -
$6,250 -
Electro-Slycer (SC)
$12,500 -
Element of Earth
$1,600 -
Element of Fire
$12,500 -
Element of Ice
$1,600 -
Element of Lightning
$25,000 -
Element of Wind
$1,600 -
Elf Lance
$12,500 -
Emerald Carver
$20 -
Emerald Dream
$20 -
Emerald Ice Wall
$400 -
Emerald Slycer
$300 -
Empress Lillian’s Bow
$350,000 -
Enchanted Forest
$1,600 -
Enhanced Baseball Bat
$25,000 -
Eroded Blood Rush
$100 -
Evergreen Edge
$20 -
Evergreen Splinter
$6,250 -
Fae’s Golden Lament
$125,000 -
Fae’s Lament
$1,000,000 -
Fallen Angel
$12,500 -
Fallen Oath
$1,500 -
Fang of the Black Widow
$200,000 -
Fey’s Slycer
$1,500,000 -
Firework Frenzy
$6,250 -
Floating Points
$250 -
Flower Power
$1,600 -
Flowery Façade
$1,600 -
Freddy Favourite
$20 -
Friendly Spirits
$1,600 -
Frigid Frostar
$25,000 -
Frost Armor
$1,600 -
Frost Edge
$100,000 -
$350,000 -
Frostbitten, Twice-Shy
$1,600 -
$1,250,000 -
Frosty Lake
$1,600 -
Frozen Candy Cane
$12,500 -
Frozen Ice Wall
$400 -
Full Moon Fuller
$50 -
$12,500 -
$100,000,000 -
Ghastly Gasher
$50 -
Ghostly Broomstick
$200,000 -
Ghostly Candle
$200,000 -
Ghostly Gasher
$1,600 -
Ghostly Grave Spade
$50,000 -
Ghostly Lantern
$200,000 -
Ghostly Scallywag
$200,000 -
Ghostly Slycer
$25,000 -
Ghostly Splinter
$200,000 -
Ghostly Webbed Hatchet
$200,000 -
Gifted Edge
$400 -
Gilded Charm
$100,000 -
Gilded Hearts 2020
$2,750,000 -
Gilded Hearts 2021
$300,000 -
Gilded Powerwheel Slycer
$37,500 -
Gilded Slime Slycer
$37,500 -
Gilded Valentine 2020
$25,000 -
Gilded Valentine 2021
$6,250 -
Gingerbread Jabber
$400 -
Gingerbread Mangler
$400 -
Gingerbread Splinter
$1,600 -
Glacial Lance
$100,000 -
Glacial Splinter
$6,250 -
Glacial Titan
$100,000 -
Glaive of the Hallowed
$75,000 -
Glaive of the Void
$300,000 -
Gleaming Despair
$37,500 -
Gleaming Hope
$37,500 -
Gliding Ocean
$1,640 -
$75,000 -
Gold Cave Slycer
$1,600 -
Gold Ore Slycer
$300 -
Gold Pickaxe
$75,000 -
Gold Slime Slycer
$12,500 -
Golden Hour
$200 -
Golden Ice Wall
$25,000 -
Golden Lance
$37,500 -
Golden Order
$100,000 -
$25,000 -
Graffiti Knife
$100 -
Grave Robber
$50,000 -
Green Balloon Sword
$12,500 -
Green Gummy Slycer
$400 -
Green Slycer
$20 -
Green Stalking Eyes
$6,250 -
Greenstone Sparkle Time
$20 -
Grimsley’s Buster
$100,000 -
$100 -
Hallow’s End
$250,000 -
Hallowed Lantern
$125,000 -
Hallowed Moon
$12,500 -
Hallowed Splinter
$50,000 -
Happy Circus Knife
$12,500 -
Harvest Lantern
$75,000 -
$1,600 -
Heartbreaker 2020
$25,000 -
Heartbreaker 2021
$1,600 -
Heartfelt Slycer
$400 -
Heartsplitter Axe
$75,000 -
High Noon Hatchet
$6,250 -
Holiday Splinter
$1,600 -
Hollow Heart
$1,600 -
Holly Lance
$12,500 -
Ice Breaker
$25,000 -
Ice Lance
$12,500 -
Ice Skate Stabber
$3,125 -
Icy Slycer
$400 -
Illuminated Light Blade
$50,000 -
Inconspicuous Gift
$400 -
Infernal Deadlift
$75,000 -
Iridescent Slycer
$400 -
Iron Pickaxe
$12,500 -
Iron Slycer
$400 -
Ironclad Gouger
$100 -
$12,500 -
Jackman Blade
$20 -
Jackman’s Blade
$75,000 -
Jerry-Rigged Jabber
$50 -
Jewels of Stone
$100 -
Jolly Lance
$12,500 -
Junkyard Jabber
$100 -
$25,000 -
Knife Behind The Slaughter
$20 -
Kringler’s Hook
$250,000 -
Kunzite Crusader
$250 -
$1,600 -
Layers of Ardor
$100 -
$100 -
Leafy Stick
$37,500 -
$100 -
Light Blade
$37,500 -
Love Strike
$0 -
Lucia’s Golden Tune
$12,500 -
Lucky Mural
$100 -
Luminescent Feather
$12,500 -
Machine Dagger (CAUTION)
$1,600 -
Machine Dagger (WARNING)
$6,250 -
Malvus’ Grandmaster Wand
$50,000 -
$25,000 -
Mauve Engine
$400 -
Mayor’s Machete
$150 -
$50 -
Meltdown Splinter
$1,600 -
Metal Season
$6,250 -
Metaverse Mangler
$6,250 -
Metaverse Mangler (SC)
$50,000 -
Milky Way
$27,500,000 -
Millionth Slycer
$0 -
Minty Holiday Hook
$1,600 -
Misfortune’s Mangler
$12,500 -
Molten Core
$6,250 -
Molten Railroad Wrench
$6,250 -
$100 -
Morning Star
$100,000 -
Motherlode Slycer
$50,000 -
Motif Aquatique
$890 -
Motif Dange
$890 -
Motif Dombre
$890 -
Mr Risus’ Sickle
$12,500 -
Muerte Violeta
$3,125 -
Night Hawk
$12,500 -
Night Howler
$1,640 -
Night Stalker
$1,600 -
Noctis Æterna
$800,000 -
North Pole Splinter
$1,600 -
North Star
$6,250 -
$75,000 -
Not-So Frosty
$400 -
Noxious Reaver
$25,000 -
Noxium Vulcani
$800,000 -
Nuclover Bomb
$125,000 -
O Christmas Tree
$6,250 -
O’Stabby’s O’Stabber
$12,500 -
Oath of Darkness
$250,000 -
$12,500 -
Oopsie Daisies
$1,600 -
Orange Slycer
$20 -
Orange Stalking Eyes
$6,250 -
Orion’s Ornament
$100,000 -
Over the Rainbow 2020
$2,500,000 -
Over the Rainbow 2021
$50,000 -
Passion Slycer
$0 -
$50 -
Perish With Liquorice
$100 -
$800,000 -
Petal Prism
$2,440 -
Phantom Drape
$100 -
Phaseblade Incinerator
$8,500,000 -
Photo: Chill Piercer
$37,500 -
Photo: Medalist Mangler
$1,750,000 -
Pink Balloon Sword
$12,500 -
Pink Eye of Cupid
$25,000 -
Pizza Cutter
$100,000 -
Plastic Puncture
$250 -
Polar Ice Wall
$175,000 -
Polar Lance
$175,000 -
Polar Ravager
$175,000 -
$175,000 -
$175,000 -
Poltergeist Scythe
$475,000 -
Pot O Gold 2021
$6,250 -
Pot O’ Gold 2020
$25,000 -
Powerwheel Slycer
$37,500 -
Premium Slycer 2021
$1,600 -
Premium Slycer 2022
$1,600 -
Premium Slycer 2023
$1,600 -
Premium Slycer 2024
$1,600 -
Premium Slycer 2025
$1,600 -
Prospector Khopesh
$200,000 -
Pumpkin Carver
$100 -
Pumpkin Patch
$1,600 -
Purple Eye of Cupid
$25,000 -
Purple Pinstripe
$12,500 -
Purple Slycer
$20 -
Purplexia Prime
$12,500 -
Purplexia Rex
$12,500 -
Putrid Pickaxe
$12,500 -
Radiant Desire
$1,500,000 -
Radiant Heartseeker
$4,000,000 -
Radioactive Slycer
$300,000 -
Railroad Wrench
$400 -
Rainbow Cloverbeat
$12,500 -
Rattlebone’s Cutclass
$25,000 -
Reactor Core
$100 -
Reclaimed Slycer
$400 -
Recycled Cyan Slycer
$200 -
Recycled Drainpipe
$400 -
Recycled Paint Slycer
$50 -
Red Balloon
$12,500 -
Red Gummy Slycer
$400 -
Red Slycer
$20 -
Redstone Sparkle Time
$20 -
Rings of Fire
$12,500 -
Rings of Saturn
$200,000 -
Rock Candy
$150,000 -
Rose Gold Blossom
$200,000 -
Rose of Anguish
$1,600 -
Roses of Retribution
$175,000 -
Rosy Whisper
$0 -
Rubber Chicken
$175,000 -
Ruby Carver
$20 -
Ruby Ice Wall
$400 -
Ruby Slycer
$300 -
$6,250 -
Rudolph Ravager
$25,000 -
Rudolph’s Golden Ravager
$12,500 -
Rune of Cataclysm
$25,000 -
Rusted Railroad Spike
$12,500 -
Rusty Dagger
$125,000 -
Sacred Whisper
$500,000 -
Saint Galactica
$580 -
Saloon Door Splinter
$50 -
Santa Hat Slycer
$1,600 -
Santa’s Slay
$650 -
Sapphire Cave Slycer
$1,600 -
Sapphire Ice Wall
$400 -
Sapphire Longsword
$12,500 -
Sapphire Slycer
$300 -
Sapphire Sparkle Time
$6,250 -
Sawblade’s Jigsaw
$12,500 -
Scimitar of the Evil Clown
$75,000 -
Scimitar of the Happy Clown
$75,000 -
Scimitar of the Screamer
$75,000 -
Seabed Spectica
$100 -
$25,000 -
Searing Rune
$500,000 -
Searing Sword
$12,500 -
Searing Wand
$12,500 -
Shadow Kraken
$25,000 -
$600,000 -
Shadowveil (Recipe)
$25,000 -
Shamrock Scimitar
$300,000 -
Shard of Winter
$100,000 -
Sharpened Torch
$580 -
Shattered Planet
$100,000 -
Sheetmetal Shank
$50 -
Shimmerheart Shank
$12,500 -
$100 -
Silent Knife
$12,500 -
Silver Ore Slycer
$300 -
Siren Head Slycer
$50 -
Skadi’s Glacier Spike
$75,000 -
Skeletal Bowie
$50 -
Skulk’s Arrowhead
$6,250 -
Sleigh Ride
$1,600 -
Slyce of Pride
$6,250 -
Slyce of Pride 2024
$1,600 -
Smiley Slycer
$250 -
Smokey Blood
$1,600 -
Smokey Spirit
$1,600 -
Smouldered Katana
$75,000 -
$1,600 -
Snowman Splinter
$6,250 -
Snowshard Blade
$100,000 -
Snowy Slycer
$400 -
Snuggle Slicer
$200,000 -
Soul Surrender
$0 -
Sparkletime Pumpkin Carver
$6,250 -
Special Snowflake
$400,000 -
Splatter Slasher
$450 -
$12,500 -
Squeeky Hammer
$12,500 -
Squeeky Void Hammer
$250,000 -
$6,250 -
Staff of the Dead Forest
$12,500 -
Staff of the Void
$225,000 -
Star Bound
$250 -
Steel Knuckle Carbonator
$1,600 -
Steel Slycer
$400 -
Stone Riptar
$400 -
Stop Sign Stabber
$100 -
Summertime Shank
$25,000 -
Sunbladed Revolver
$12,500 -
Sunlit Glass
$12,500 -
Super Cyan
$900,000 -
Sus Holly Gift
$400 -
Sus Red Gift
$400 -
Sus Striped Gift
$400 -
Sweet Revenge
$100,000 -
T-Z Thorn
$6,250 -
Talon of Charm
$400 -
Talon of Duality
$400 -
Talon of Steel
$400 -
Talon of the Baron
$400 -
Talon of the Cauldron
$6,250 -
Talon of the Ocean
$400 -
Talon of the Phoenix
$400 -
Talon of the Sky
$400 -
Talon of the Wind
$400 -
Talon of Zombification
$6,250 -
Ten Million Celebration
$75,000 -
Test Knife
$12,500 -
The Alchemist’s Shattered Fang
$12,500 -
The Baron’s Arrangement
$3,125 -
The Broken Clock
$6,250 -
The Butcher’s Cleaver
$50,000 -
The Christmas Caper
$12,500 -
The City Hereafter
$100 -
The Crown Jewel
$300,000 -
The Final Rose
$6,250 -
The Gold Bar
$300,000 -
The Golden Sun
$25,000 -
The Jade Forest
$200 -
The Jumping Bug
$6,250 -
The Lost Slycer
$100 -
The Missing Avatar
$6,250 -
The Mummy
$1,600 -
The Mystifier
$125,000 -
The Reverse Medkit
$100 -
The Scoop
$100 -
The Slycer Cyan
$600,000 -
The Sundered Dune
$50,000 -
The Template
$400,000 -
The Violet Cluster
$580 -
The Viper Cluster
$580 -
The Void
$450 -
The Void Blade
$500,000 -
Tiger Knife
$20 -
Titanium Trident
$50 -
Toilet Plunger
$37,500 -
Tormented Khopesh
$37,500 -
Tormented Pickaxe
$75,000 -
Touch of Death
$600,000 -
Toxic Lantern
$50,000 -
Toxic Sorrow
$500 -
Toxic Waste Slycer
$400 -
Tree Light Trauma
$3,125 -
Tua Glas
$100,000 -
Ugly Christmas Slycer
$12,500 -
Umbra’s Heart
$100,000 -
Undead Candy
$6,250 -
Unity of the Games
$37,500 -
Valendy Paws
$100,000 -
Valentine Rose
$12,500 -
Valentine Vendetta
$225,000 -
Valentine’s Canvas
$1,600 -
Vampire Vanquisher
$300,000 -
Vampyric Riptar
$6,250 -
$450 -
Violet Nebula
$200 -
Violet Pulse
$12,500 -
Viper Fang
$50 -
Void Balloon
$200,000 -
Void Bat
$200,000 -
Void Lantern
$300,000 -
Void Pickaxe
$250,000 -
Void Reaver
$0 -
Void Rune
$500,000 -
$50,000 -
Voldar’s Light Sword
$50,000 -
Voodoo Embrace
$200,000 -
Wand of the Void
$200,000 -
Wand of the Wicked
$12,500 -
Webbed Hatchet
$12,500 -
Wings of Corrupt Cupid
$12,500 -
Wings of Cupid 2020
$600,000 -
Wings of Cupid 2021
$500,000 -
Wings of Cupid 2022
$75,000 -
Wings of Cupid 2023
$12,500 -
Wings of Cupid 2025
$75,000 -
$75,000 -
Witch’s Broomstick
$75,000 -
Witch’s Candy
$1,600 -
Wraith of the North
$75,000 -
Ye Olde Slycer
$1,600 -
Yellow Balloon Sword
$12,500 -
Yellow Test Slycer
$25,000 -
Zebra Knife
$20 -
Zombie Dagger
$1,600 -
Zombie Infection
$6,259 -
Zombie Skin Scimitar